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What does the color of a laser protection filter say about its protective effect?

03.12.2021 - Laser protection, Laser application, Blog, News, Website

When selecting laser protection eyewear and laser protection windows, we are often asked by our customers about the color of the filter. Usually, the higher the light transmittance, the better. But sometimes, especially when an existing pair of laser protection glasses is to be replaced by a new pair, the wish for a certain filter color comes up.

At first glance, this is quite understandable. But the connection between the protective effect of a laser protection filter and its color is not particularly meaningful. Of course, a blue filter is mostly suitable for red laser light, but which red? Wavelengths in the range 590-800 nm are perceived as red. On the other hand, many green filter materials also cover the red wavelength range 700-800 nm. The lower range 400-500 nm of the color scale can be covered by many yellow and red laser protection filters. And it gets quite confusing with mixed colors: For example, filters for YAG fundamental wavelengths and their harmonics are usually reddish brown. Conversely, however, one cannot say with certainty that a reddish-brown filter must be suitable for YAG And YAG harmonics.

Only a spectrometric determination of the optical density provides certainty. And in case of doubt, the certified protection areas always count. In order to finally obtain the right laser protection glasses or the right laser protection window, it is therefore necessary to measure, calculate and then decide. Based on your laser data, we will of course take care of this for you and, if possible, also take into account your individual wishes such as a high light transmission level or, in the case of laser protection spectacles, a choice between side type laser protection glasses and goggle type laser protection glasses for spectacle wearers.

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Laser protection, Laser protection filter, Laser protection glasses, Laser protection windows, Personal Protective Equipment, PPE

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