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It was a long way from the invention of the laser effect to the application of laser radiation. Of course, there was no talk of laser safety glasses, laser safety windows, etc. at the beginning. This development took place at different speeds in the individual industries. At the beginning there was one thing in common in all industries: Whenever a new beam source was invented, the ideas for its application shot up like mushrooms. Back then, rarely did anyone go the other way around, first describing the application-related problem and then looking for a solution, possibly based on a laser. Whether in industrial production or in medicine, some applications only survived for a short time due to their novelty value, some were too expensive compared to conventional methods, but some were also real hits. Gradually it became clear at least when laser methods offer application-technical advantages:
At the beginning of the 1980s, there was still a joke in sales circles that you had to sell a physicist for every laser system. Another view was that lasers were the most expensive way to generate light. In the meantime, however, the situation has largely normalized. Today, laser protection is accordingly well positioned and tailored to the application, in that laser protection glasses must be certified by a notified body and laser protection windows undergo at least one test procedure.
Perhaps the century of the photon is only just beginning now ...
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Brightness of laser protection filters
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What questions have you always asked yourself in the field of laser safety, laser safety eyewear, laser safety windows or generally on the subject of laser safety? What would you like to know about Offenhäuser + Berger GmbH?
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Which laser safety product do you need? We
offer laser safety equipment for medical,
industrial and scientific applications...
We design frames, laser safety glasses, laser
adjustment glasses, laser safety windows and
laser exit windows. We also offer detailed info...
Our novelties comprise M-certified products,
as per now also our laser protective window
type YAGhigh...
We support you at evaluating the appropriate
scale number and selecting the required...
Offenhäuser + Berger GmbH
Meeboldstrasse 30
89522 Heidenheim, GERMANY
Phone +49 (0) 7321 480615
Fax +49 (0) 7321 480616
created by: krähativ design, advertising agency Heidenheim, GERMANY – www.kraehativ-design.de